Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado – Pedro Henrique Valderrama Bento da Silva – 30/7/2020

30/07/2020 22:46
Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado
Aluno Pedro Henrique Valderrama Bento da Silva
Orientador Prof. Eduardo Camponogara, Dr. – DAS/UFSC
Coorientador Prof. Laio Oriel Seman, Dr. – UNIVALI
Data 30/7/2020 (quinta-feira) – 8h30




Prof. Eduardo Camponogara, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente);

Prof. Luciana Salete Buriol, Dr. – II/UFRGS;

Prof. Daniel Martins Lima, Dr. – UFSC;

Prof. Felipe Gomes de Oliveira Cabral, Dr. – DAS/UFSC.

Título Hyerarchical Decompositions for MPC of Linear Systems with Resource and Activation Constraints
Abstract: The Interconnection of dynamic subsystems that share limited resources are found in many systems, and the control of such systems of subsystems has driven significant attention from  scientists and engineers. For the operation of such systems, model predictive control (MPC) has become a popular technique, arguably for its ability to deal with complex dynamics and system constraints. The MPC algorithms found in the literature are mostly centralized, with a single controller receiving  the signals and performing the computations. However, the distributed structure of such interconnected subsystems is not necessarily explored by standard MPC. To this end, this work proposes hierarchical decomposition to split the computations between a master problem (centralized component) and a set of decoupled subproblems (distributed components), which brings about organizational flexibility and distributed computation. Three general methods are considered for hierarchical control and optimization, namely bilevel optimization, Benders decomposition, and outer approximation. Results are reported from a numerical analysis of the decompositions and a simulated application to energy management, in which a limited source of energy is distributed among batteries of electric vehicles. Then, in order to validate the use of activation constraints, with the use of Benders decomposition and outer approximation, new numerical analyzes and simulations were carried out on battery charging of electric vehicles.