Defesa de Exame de Qualificação – Luis Fernando Nazari – 20/10/2020

19/10/2020 17:33
Defesa de Exame de Qualificação
Aluno Luis Fernando Nazari
Orientador Prof. Eduardo Camponogara, Dr. – DAS/UFSC
Data 20/10/2020  (terça-feira) – 13h30





Prof. Eugênio de Bona Castelan, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente);

Prof. Amit Bhaya, Dr. – COPPE/UFRJ;

Prof. Leandro dos Santos Coelho, Dr. – DELT/UFPR;

Prof. Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe, Dr. – ENS/UFSC.

Título Optimal Control and Identification for Water Flow Systems in a Hydropgraphic Basin
Abstract: This document is a research proposal for the development of strategies for system identification and optimal control of water flow systems in a hydrographic basin. This study aims to mitigate the impacts caused by flooding in cities that belong to the basin. A brief review of key concepts on the subjects of optimal control and systems identification is presented, which intends to develop a scientific foundation for modeling and solving the problems of concern. The purpose of this report is to define the scope of the doctoral research, its goals and expected contributions to science and engineering toward. Therefore, the document covers the key research topics, states the problem, shows its relevance with respect to the technical literature, and proposes a methodology to achieve the goals and deliver the expected contributions.