Defesa de Mestrado – Ana Caroline Tondo Bonafin – 23/9/2021

02/09/2021 19:58
Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado
Aluna Ana Caroline Tondo Bonafin
Orientador Prof. Felipe Gomes de Oliveira Cabral, Dr. – DAS/UFSC
Data 23/9/2021  8h30 (quinta-feira)

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Banca Prof. Felipe Gomes de Oliveira Cabral, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente);

Prof. Gustavo da Silva Viana, Dr. – COPPE/UFRJ;

Prof. Marcos Vicente de Brito Moreira, Dr. – COPPE/UFRJ;

Prof. José Eduardo Ribeiro Cury, Dr. – PPGEAS/UFSC.

Título Fault Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Modeled by a Class of Labeled Petri Nets
Abstract: In this work, a fault diagnosis method for Discrete-Event Systems (DES) modeled as labeled Petri nets (LPN) is proposed. In order to do so, it is assumed that some transitions of the Petri net are unobservable, including the fault transitions. The diagnosis method consists of two steps: first, an online fault detection is carried out; and then, by using the observed sequence of events and the Petri net model, the fault candidates are isolated. The online fault detection is based on the construction of an LPN from the fault-free system behavior model, called observable behavior Petri net (OBPN), whose transitions are all observable, and whose generated language is guaranteed to be equal to the observable language of the fault-free system model when some conditions are satisfied. It is also shown that the OBPN can be used for fault detection instead of implementing the reachability graph, or even part of it, of the Petri net system model, which leads to a fast fault detection method without requiring the use of a large amount of memory. A case study is also presented in order to illustrate the proposed method.