Defesa de Exame de Qualificação – Kevin Eduardo Lucas Marcillo – 28/9/2020

14/10/2020 18:04
Defesa de Exame de Qualificação
Aluno Kevin Eduardo Lucas Marcillo
Orientador Prof. Daniel Juan Pagano, Dr. – DAS/UFSC
Coorientador Prof. Ivo Barbi, Dr. – EEL/UFSC


28/9/2020  (segunda-feira) – 14h





Prof. Marcelo de Lellis Costa de Oliveira, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente);

Prof. Eloi Agostini Junior, Dr. – UTFPR;

Prof. Marcelo Lobo Heldwein, Dr. – EEL/UFSC.

Título Modeling and Control of DAB Modular Converters for Applications in Transmission and Distribution of DC Systems
Abstract: High-power isolated bidirectional dc-dc converter is perceived as one of the key to interconnect high-voltage and medium-voltage systems with different voltage levels in high-power applications. This fact is mainly due to factors such as growing interest in renewable energy sources, integration of solid-state-transformers in conventional grid and microgrid applications, and the need to meet high-efficiency and high-performance power conversion requirements in transmission and distribution systems in medium and long distance direct current. In this context, modular converters is an advantageous solution to reduce the voltage and current stress of switching devices in energy power conversion. Series-connected modular converter includes two types of configuration, one is input-series output-parallel (ISOP) and the other is input-series output-series (ISOS). ISOP converters, which consists of multiple dc–dc converter modules connected in series at the input and in parallel at the output ports, is an attractive solution for high-input-voltage and high-power applications. On the other hand, ISOS converters are an attractive solution for high-voltage-input and high-voltage-output applications. In series-connected modular converter, the voltage sharing balance ensures power sharing balance among the constituent modules, and can be met through an intrinsic voltage-balancing mechanism without active control. However, the main challenge in series-connected modular converter is to ensure the equal power distribution, as parametric variations and mismatched parameters can cause imbalance between the converter modules. To achieve power sharing balance for above mentioned configuration, several schemes have been proposed, which ensure input voltage sharing or output current sharing. Dual active bridge converter topology is identified as an interesting solution to be explored in the context of this thesis proposal.