Defesa de Ex. Qualificação – Jackson Gonçalves Ernesto – 23/9/2021

02/09/2021 19:59
Defesa de Exame de Qualificação
Aluno Jackson Gonçalves Ernesto


Prof. Eugênio de Bona Castelan Neto, Dr. – DAS/UFSC

Prof. Eduardo Camponogara, Dr. – DAS/UFSC



23/9/2021  9h  (quinta-feira)

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  Prof. Daniel Ferreira Coutinho, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente)

Prof. João Manoel Gomes da Silva Jr., Dr. – PPGEE/UFRGS;

Prof. Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dórea, Dr. – CT-DCA/UFRN;

Prof. José Mário Araújo, Dr. – PPGESP/IFBA.

Título Control Design for Constrained LTI and LPV Systems via Polyhedral Set Invariance
Abstract: In this work, set invariance concepts and polyhedral sets are used to design stabilizing Output Feedback (OF) for linear time-invariant (LTI) and linear parameter varying (LPV) discrete-time systems. The constrained control system may be subject to state constraints, control amplitude limits, bounds of the control-rate variation, and persistent disturbances. Firstly, based on the necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions that describe the polyhedral positive-invariance for LPV systems, we propose a bilinear optimization problem for the controller design guaranteeing the regional closed-loop stability and the control and state constraints are all respected. The proposed incremental output feedback controller feeds back both the measured outputs and control inputs, and the extended state-space used to modeling the constrained control problem allows, in particular, dealing with the control-rate variation bounds and a parameter-varying output control law. Next, we use the joint concepts of robust control invariant (RCI) set and robust one-step controllable sets (ROSC) to obtain a switching output regulator that steers the constrained system`s trajectory to the origin in a certain number of sample periods. A set of static output feedback control gains is computed offline, which later compose the online switching regulator. In the two proposals, we consider mainly an objective fuction that optimizes the polyhedron size in given directions, and an efficient nonlinear optimization solver is usd to tackle the present bilinearities. Numerical examples showcase the effectiveness and potential of our proposal. Finally, we discuss the guidelines for future research, which points out to extend the two proposed techniques to deal with persistent disturbances and consider LPV systems, respectively.